Eating That Frog With Pomodoro

Muhammad Farhan
4 min readDec 28, 2020

“Pomodoro technique” is technique in which we divide our our work into small time segments with short breaks in between the segments. Each segment is of 25 minutes of lengt. It is an effective time management technique.

In This technique following steps to perform:

1-Pick a Task to do.

2-Set a 25 minutes timer.

3-Do the task during these 25 minutes.

4-Take a breaks of few minutes after timer ring.

5-Repeat the whole cycle for the 4 times.

6-After 4 cycles, take a long break of more than 25 minutes and perform another round until the task is complete.

Eat that frog means how we can overcome the procrastination habit by using the “Pomodoro Technique”. And “procrastination” is very bad habit because if we don’t work on our task on regular daily basis by dividing the task into intervals and instead we carry on delaying the task by saying I’ll do it on a day before deadline then it will be very difficult for to complete the whole work in a single day.

Brain Tracy Book

How I use This Technique Recently……

I’ve given a task in my project work-4 of my Amal academy Fellowship to use this pomodoro technique in completing my work and I’ve to write the distractions which i faced during the 25 minutes interval.

Task to perform

I plan to use this technique and decide to prepare three chapters of my semester course “Food Laws and Regulations”.

First of all turn off all my Social media accounts notification and i put my mobile phone aside and shutdown my laptop. I tried to focus on the book and that particular chapter to read.

The Book i want to study

I “Set the Timer”.

And I start from the first chapter out of three chapters that i want to complete.

During the first 25 minutes , there were lots of distractions that i wrote down e.g “To use the mobile”,To scroll the Facebook”,To see posts on Instagram” and to “watch time wasting videos on youTube”, “to chat with friend on what’sapp massenger”.

But i carry on to complete the chapter without fulfill my desires to use mobile phone . The alarm rang and I took a rest for 5 minutes.

After first cycle i almost complete 60% of my first chapter and then after the break I set another Pomodoro alarm for 25 minutes and repeat the same cycle again. This time after 25 minutes, i almost complete my 1st chapter and 20% of the 2nd chapter.

I goes on repeating the same cycle and i complete my 3 chapters in 5th cycle. After 4th cycle i took a rest of 25 minutes.

How Was the Experience For me…

At the start, during the first cycle of 25 minutes, i found it very difficult because I’ve to on just reading the chapter and not giving attention to anything else which in normal routine I never do like that before. In the next cycles, it was quite easy to focus on.

I’ve done a lot of work in less time. The main reason was the focus. And being away from distractions to use the time productively. The Pomodoro Technique that i applied to accomplished the task proves very effective.

I planed to use this technique daily in every task either in workplace or doing the university work or doing my duty. I’ll improve my experience by practicing more and more the pomodoro technique. To increase the productivity at work, I’ll use this technique in every task.

My Learnings From the “Pomodoro Technique Experience”

1-How to mange the time in a productive way

2-Always eradicate the source of distractions before starting the work.

3-Just focus on your work and don’t do anything else when doing some task.

